Monday, October 15, 2012


I was bullied when I was younger, however back then it wasn't broadcast over the social media that we have now.  Luckily I had a person stand up for me, a member of the football team.  If only we had more of those type of heroes out there now.  Well look here....I guess we do!!! 

The resources that are in your area vary.  I will  attempt to highlight resources as I find them.  I hope this helps those out there that are suffering from this epidemic.  Here is a generic site that we'll start with:

Remember if you are a parent, bullying can be deadly.  If you are the one being bullied, hang in there.  There is help.  There are people who care.  I am one of many people who do.   See the following links of athletes: Steve Nash stands up against Bullies
Other professional atheletes speak out against bullies